Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Spirit

Lane is in bed and Matt and I are in the Christmas spirit. We wrapped presents, made cookies and other goodies, and just finished addressing our Christmas cards. We have one family Christmas done and I think 8 more to go if you count just opening presents with the three of us.

Lane had physical therapy on Friday and the therapist is happy with the progress he is making towards becoming independently mobile but he is not quite strong enough to get his bum up and crawl. He is becoming more and more interested in walking so I think even if he does learn to crawl, it will not be long before he is walking.

Now I leave you with a picture of Lane eating a cookie. Healthy, no. Cute, YES!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today was a snow day. The first of many, I am sure. Lane decided to get up at his normal time of 6:50 so I did not get to sleep in. I had big plans to get things done today but other than laundry, I have not been very successful. I have been playing around with this blog this afternoon while Lane sleeps. I really am going to try to do better at posting updates and pictures. Lane really has changed so much and he thinks he is pretty funny. Below are some pictures that were taken this past month:

Lane and Brink are buddies

Lane in the bathtub

Lane just being silly like normal

Saturday, December 6, 2008

11 months

It has been awhile since I have posted. Well in the last few months, Lane has had tubes put in both ears, got more teeth (a total of 6) and started crawling - alittle. We have switched babysitters and are really happy with that decision. Um...Lane keeps getting cuter and happier by the day.