Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Spirit

Lane is in bed and Matt and I are in the Christmas spirit. We wrapped presents, made cookies and other goodies, and just finished addressing our Christmas cards. We have one family Christmas done and I think 8 more to go if you count just opening presents with the three of us.

Lane had physical therapy on Friday and the therapist is happy with the progress he is making towards becoming independently mobile but he is not quite strong enough to get his bum up and crawl. He is becoming more and more interested in walking so I think even if he does learn to crawl, it will not be long before he is walking.

Now I leave you with a picture of Lane eating a cookie. Healthy, no. Cute, YES!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today was a snow day. The first of many, I am sure. Lane decided to get up at his normal time of 6:50 so I did not get to sleep in. I had big plans to get things done today but other than laundry, I have not been very successful. I have been playing around with this blog this afternoon while Lane sleeps. I really am going to try to do better at posting updates and pictures. Lane really has changed so much and he thinks he is pretty funny. Below are some pictures that were taken this past month:

Lane and Brink are buddies

Lane in the bathtub

Lane just being silly like normal

Saturday, December 6, 2008

11 months

It has been awhile since I have posted. Well in the last few months, Lane has had tubes put in both ears, got more teeth (a total of 6) and started crawling - alittle. We have switched babysitters and are really happy with that decision. Um...Lane keeps getting cuter and happier by the day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


We are finally getting tubes! We visited the ear nose throat specialist today and he said Lane ready. That is music to our ears. We go in Tuesday morning to have them put in. They said it takes about 15 min but they have to put him under. We hope Lane's ear infection days are almost over!

Other things of interest, Lane started seeing a physical therapist about a month ago. She is coming up with ways to get late to tolerate being on his belly and eventually crawl. We are already seeing a little more tolerance...but I still am not going to say he loves it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

G.I. Daddy

Lane did awesome on our trip to visit Jyll and Oscar. I never would have guessed that he would have done so well on the trip there. It took us about 7hrs to get there. We ate out with Jyll (Oscar had to work until midnight) then we went back to Jyll's place. Lane, Matt and I stayed at their place and Mom and Rod stayed at a hotel. Matt and I slept on a futon for half the night but gave up around 2am and went to sleep on the couch. On Saturday we went to the hotel and went swimming. Oscar took us for a turor of the base in the afternoon and we walked through the Calvery Museum on base. We grilled out at Jyll and Oscar's that night and played Battle of the Sexes - needless to say, the women won. On Sunday we hung around in the morning and then went out for lunch before heading off. The car ride home went well too, not quite as well as the way there but good enough to call it a success.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7 Months!

Lane is getting big! He was 18lbs 6oz (50-75 percentile) and 27in (50 percentile) last week. He is sitting up by himself now and can hold himself in a standing position when you hold him up. He is still not interested in laying on his belly so I don't think crawling is in his near future. He still only has the two teeth but everything goes in his mouth and I would not be suprised if more are on the way.

We are going to visit Aunt Jyll and Uncle Oscar this weekend so we will see how the 7hr car ride goes. I predict not well.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back to school - Too soon

I spent the day in the preschool today. All the preschool staff came in to help get the room in order and to have a short meeting. I was a little overwhelmed but I think things will go well. We received a grant that is allowing us to create an aditional position in the preschool to help me out with some of the behind the scene things that I used to have to do as well as additional things I will have to do as a result of getting the grant. We have 37 kids signed up already- a big jump from the first year when I had a total of 18.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Lane has two new teeth - middle bottom! The little chompers are sharp and still pretty tender but he likes to explore everything with his mouth. He likes to suck on his blanket and is sucking on his thumb more and more. Baby food is going well, we have not found anything that he refuses to eat - not really suprised.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Lane and I went to the swimming pool today. He was not so sure about it. He wimpered most of the time, it was a little too cold for his liking. He never cried though so I think it was a success. We stayed for about 25min. By then he was literally falling asleep. He slept while I changed him out of his trunks and into a dry diaper.

So it is not a horn after all

It turns out that Lane's horn is actually what is called a Sebaceous cyst. The doctor said that she was happy that it was not a solid mass and that it is not something that needs to be removed but can be. I read that they can return though. Normal cysts don't hurt but can potentially become irritated and begin to hurt. Here is a little somenting I looked up about it. Sebaceous cyst - the skin is lubricated by sebaceous fluid. This fluid can build up inside a pore or hair follicle and form a hard lump filled with thick, greasy matter. Treatment includes drugs, draining the cyst with a small needle, or surgical removal. Sebaceous cysts are common on the face, back, scalp and scrotum.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

5 months already

Lane is already five months old. He is growing SO fast. As Matt likes to say "he is a thick burger." He started eating real baby food this past weekend. Although it might look like he does not like his green beans - he opens his mouth like a little bird when I feed them to him. We brought Lane in today for a CT scan of his little horn and should get the results back in the next day or so.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ear Infection...Again

Well thats number two. Lane went to the doctor today because he is all stuffed up and snorty. Got meds for ear infection. Yippy.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

4 month Check up

Lane had his 4 month check up last week. He is growing like a weed and is now up to 15 lbs 3 ounces. He is 25 inches long. His stats put him right at the fiftieth percentile so he is doing great. They are going to keep monitoring the bump on his head (aka devil horn) to make sure it is not growing. He had four shots which did not go over well, actually he was pretty miserable all weekend long but he starting to get back to his old self again. We are working on getting him to sleep through the night. He no longer has a middle of the night bottle but he is still waking up and needing help to go back to sleep at least once during the night. Hopefull he gets it all figured out soon.

Lets try this out

Ok so I am going to try out this blogging thing. I am not going to promise I will be very regular with my posts but I will do my best.